Media Consulting

The rapidly changing market continues to reshape the Media, and how leading high impact companies activate sales using those outlets. As technology platforms rapidly evolve, new business models emerge, and consumers media habits change. Figuring out the proper blend of new and traditional media to create meaningful results can feel like running a marathon and a sprint at the same time for today’s business decision makers. Epicmedia Consulting, LLC passionately helps CEO’s and CMO’s navigate those ever-changing waters. (Snorkels and swim fins not included).

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Companies cut their way to the bottom line during the first few years of our practice and are doing so again. Rabidly. Now, it’s essential for those same companies to re-engage their customers, and create sales, as there is little more fat to cut. The time to act is now, as the economy is beginning to recover, not once is has already recovered. By then, it’s too late.

Epicmedia Consulting will oftentimes act as a companies defacto CMO, working with their internal Marketing and Sales Teams to create rapid, high impact results. We pride ourselves on not just creating innovative media and revenue strategies, but through entirely new business channels as well. Creating new businesses, and sub-brands within existing businesses, is an area of massive opportunity for many companies today.

EMC helps leading companies make sense of how to best navigate media, creative and entertainment companies, activating sales and brand awareness by using a modern mix of strategy and innovation. If you are a high impact company that relies on activating sales, oftentimes through media, EMC would love the opportunity to take an intelligent 360 degree look at your media + sales strategy, and offer comprehensive recommendations that dramatically accelerate revenue growth.

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